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Few people realise how important to us and to the world at large are the products of the oil-yielding trees and plants contained within the Empire. The Germans, although they had wisely accumulated large reserves of the vegetable fats and oils- mostly from our own and their lost African empire- have recently suffered through lack of these precious stuffs, while the British official statement during the war that glycerine was no longer to be supplied to chemists, showed clearly how want of foresight added to the difficulties of the war on our part.
Title | The Planting, Cultivation And Expression Of Coconuts, Kernels, Cacao And Edible Vegetable Oils And Seeds Of Commerce |
Author | H. Osman Newland |
Publisher | Charles Griffin & Company, Limited |
Year | 1919 |
Copyright | 1919, Charles Griffin & Company, Limited |
Amazon | The Planting, Cultivation And Expression Of Coconuts, Kernels, Cacao And Edible Vegetable Oils And Seeds Of Commerce |
The Planting, Cultivation. And Expression Of Coconuts, Kernels, Cacao And Edible Vegetable Oils And Seeds Of Commerce. H Practical Handbook For Planters, Financiers, Scientists, and Others.
By H. Osman Newland, F.R.Hist.S., F.I.D., etc. Founder And Hon. Sec. British West African Association; Organiser Of The West African Section, Coronation Exhibition ; Member Of Grand Council British Dominions Exhibition, And Member Of African And Anglo-French Societies ; Director Of Hartley And Moore, Ltd. (Chocolate)
Author Of "Sierra Leone: Its People, Products, Secret Societies;" "Romance Of Commerce," And Other Volumes.
With frontispiece and other Plates.
Charles Griffin & Company, Limited;
Exeter Street, Strand, W.C.2
1919. [All Rights Beserved.]
- Introduction
- Few people realise how important to us and to the world at large are the products of the oil-yielding trees and plants contained within the Empire. The Germans, although they had wisely accumulated la...
- Chapter I. The Coconut And Its Uses
- The coconut is perhaps the most popular and best known of all the valuable oil-bearing plants; but although so well known, it is only quite recently that its value in making butter and other edible fa...
- The Coconut And Its Uses. Part 2
- The flower spathes, when dried, are used as torches, and are also twisted into coarse ropes after being soaked in water. The water contained in the unripe nut is a cool, refreshing drink that is much...
- The Coconut And Its Uses. Part 3
- The reason why the public hears little of the coconut oil' and much of the 'copra' market is because, while only a few big firms provide themselves with the machinery necessary for the manufacture o...
- The Coconut And Its Uses. Part 4
- The nuts are produced in bunches of from 10 to 12 nuts each. Natives climb the trees and throw down the nuts. One native should harvest 400 nuts a day, and he should at the same time remove dead leave...
- Chapter II. Palm Oil And Kernels
- First, perhaps, in commercial importance, among the oil products of West Africa, is that of the oil palm; there is an enormous supply of this commodity in the country which at present rots on the grou...
- Palm Oil And Kernels. Part 2
- According to Adam (Le Palmier a huile, pp. 118-121), an average yield of about 10 fruit heads, each weighing 13-2 lbs., and equivalent to 85 lbs. of fruit per tree per annum, may be counted on in dist...
- Palm Oil And Kernels. Part 3
- Noteworthy among the former are (a) the machines devised by Poisson and constructed by Louis Labarre, of Marseilles ; (b) the mill devised by Hupfeld and constructed by Messrs. Humboldt, of Cologne ; ...
- Palm Oil And Kernels. Part 4
- An ingenious and simple nut-cracking machine has been devised recently by J. O. Drews. It consists of a pair of finely corrugated steel jaws, one of which is fixed vertically to the frame of the machi...
- Palm Oil And Kernels. Part 5
- The County of Northumberland Education Committee has issued a very valuable report on palm-kernel cake and meal, and coconut cake compared with Soya cake for fattening cattle and sheep. The trials wer...
- Palm Oil And Kernels. Part 6
- The kernels had been stored some time in the bags, and it was the dry season. There had been a blazing sun and little breeze for several days previously during the period of loading, and so not only w...
- Chapter III. The Ground-Nut
- The high price of butter in this country is leading now to the establishment of a new industry in Great Britain-i.e., the crushing of monkey-nut or ground-nut kernels for the extraction of a pale yell...
- The Ground-Nut. Continued
- s. d. One ploughing, ...... 2 8 One cultivation, ...... 0 8 One harrowing, ...... 0 4 Three hand hoeings at 7 1/2 d., ...
- Chapter IV. The Shea Nut
- The shea-butter tree was originally brought to our notice by Mungo Park, and named after him, Butyrospermum parkii. The shea-butter grows everywhere in West and West-Central Africa, where the oil palm...
- Chapter V. The Cacao Bean
- Cocoa, one of the few natural products which serves equally well as food or drink, was, not inappropriately, described by Linnaeus as ' the food of the Gods' The British Navy recognises its nourishing...
- The Cacao Bean. Part 2
- * Vailima Letters. The birth and growth of the cacao industry in the Gold Coast reads like romance. Totteh Quarshie, of Christianburg, towards the end of the nineteenth century, brought a few beans f...
- The Cacao Bean. Part 3
- Seeds at stake are protected by a palm-leaf or similar covering, and except in purely native plantations, all but the strongest plants are removed when the seedlings reach 1 foot in height. Sowing ...
- The Cacao Bean. Part 4
- Cacao flowers are so constructed that outside aid appears to be essential for pollination. Many insects are doubtless instrumental in this connection. Coconuts, Kernels, etc,- Capt. H. O. New land. ...
- Chapter VI. The Soya Bean, Cotton Seed, And Sesame
- The Soya bean comes from a leguminous plant originally found in a wild state in the region from Cochin China to the south of Japan and Java. It has been cultivated from very ancient times as a food pl...
- The Soya Bean, Cotton Seed, And Sesame. Continued
- Average Analysis of the Seed of the Six Varieties of Soya Beans. Water, 7.70 Fibre, .... 4.60 Fresh or Fat, .... 20.35 air-dry Nitr...
- Chapter VII. Babassu And Paraguay Kernels And Miscellaneous Oil-Nuts
- A recent type of kernel, known as Coco babassu and bassoba, is derived from a species of Attalea, possibly A. funifera, Mart. The tree is stated to be abundant in the State of Maranham, Brazil (Dipl. ...
- Babassu And Paraguay Kernels And Oil-Nuts. Part 2
- The first is the kernel of the Strephonema, a tree or shrub confined to Tropical West Africa, and particularly abundant in the Belgian Congo. The sample consisted of very dark brown kernels, roughly ...
- Babassu And Paraguay Kernels And Oil-Nuts. Part 3
- The N'kula Nut.-Another nut, less known, but which the author found in abundance in the Liberian forests, and which is not only of pleasant taste but remarkably oily, is known scientifically as Coula ...
- Appendix. Companies And Associations Interested In Edible Oils And Cacao
- African Association, Liverpool. African Oil Mills, Liverpool. American Commerce Co., Bride Street, London, E.C. Atlantic Coast Development Co., 8 Copthall House, London, E.C. Benabu, Messrs., Lond...
- Books
- In Medium 8vo. Cloth. Pp. i.viii + 133. With many Tables. 7s. 6d. net. Aids In The Commercial Analysis Of Oils, Fats, And Their Commercial Products A Laboratory Handbook By George Fenwick Pickering, ...